Well, the truth is, if we’re talking about divorce in the UK there are only five. And if a couple wants to fast track the process, then there are really only two. The challenge is that the quickest divorce routes both involve blame – and so turn up the heat in a situation that may already be difficult to manage.
It means that dealing thoughtfully with the ‘blame factor’ from the word go is pivotal for every effective quick divorce strategy.
Although many UK divorce professionals continue to campaign for a ‘no fault’ option, until the law changes, there’s no avoiding having to tip-toe around one-sided allegations of adultery or unreasonable behaviour. But while some couples have no problem with allocating or accepting blame for marriage breakdown, others genuinely struggle.
For some, the actual cause of marital breakdown is intangible – a gradual erosion of the spark that was once there by years of irritation. So is a refusal to empty the dishwasher enough to satisfy a Judge that a marriage is broken down? Probably not. But after 25 years, such a seemingly minor issue could well be the ‘last straw’.
Moving on to a better future
With professional support and an understanding of why a one-sided blame petition is needed, the finger pointing can be tempered. The focus can then turn to the real issues to address post divorce – such as shared care of the children and division of family finance.
For those prepared to wait until they’ve been living apart for two years or more, the need to find fault disappears. In reality though, most couples want their divorce to proceed without delay once they’ve made the decision. The currently obligatory ‘blame’ therefore needs careful management to avoid negative impacts on long-term outcomes.
At Sharp Family Law we understand the importance and benefit of establishing a calm and supportive environment from the outset to facilitate the personal and sensitive discussions ahead. A carefully drafted divorce petition – even if loaded with blame – can help to put the negotiations that follow onto a positive and constructive footing.