Divorce is stressful, whether you are separating amicably or not.
For most people, divorce is an incredibly emotional time and having the additional pressure of trying to understand and navigate the court documents necessary for a divorce whilst also trying to deal with these emotions will only create additional anxiety. Potential problems and delay will result if the divorce documentation is not completed correctly.
With basic information about divorce law readily available on the internet more and more people are prepared to take the plunge and attempt a DIY divorce. There is no legal requirement for a solicitor to be involved in the divorce process so it is possible to press ahead alone if you have the proper grounds for divorce, you and your spouse both want the divorce to go ahead, and you do not have substantial marital assets. There will still be court fees to pay for the divorce which are £455 in total.
What people don’t realise is that, although it is relatively easy to find basic information about divorce law, it is less so to interpret this law and apply it to your own circumstances. This is when the expertise of a divorce lawyer is needed.
As tempting as it is in this day and age to try and save a bit of money, it is advisable, at the very least, to obtain initial independent legal advice to ensure you fully understand your legal position before initiating proceedings and then you can decide how much help you need moving forward. In some cases, people choose to use a solicitor on a more ad hoc basis for advice from time to time throughout the process rather than have a solicitor handle the divorce in full and, of course, this will keep costs to a minimum whilst ensuring things proceed smoothly.
At Sharp Family Law we aim to minimise the stress of divorce whilst maximising the outcome at an affordable cost. We offer a fixed fee for divorces where both parties are in agreement which means there will be no nasty surprises for you when the bill arrives!