“The contact schedule has it that our 3 year old son stays with me on a Tuesday and Thursday night. So he should be with me on the Thursday night in two weeks’ time. My Ex-partner insists he be with her – Why? Because, it will be Christmas Day that Friday morning. We both want him to wake up and open his presents in our separate homes!”
The dilemma over with whom children spend Christmas morning taxes Judges all too often at this time of year, as separated and divorced parents fight over the date in the divorce courts. The ensuing judgment leaves few contented, not least the unfortunate children.
The Parents of the 3 year old son worked out with their family lawyers through a Collaborative Practice dispute resolution process that it was the joy of watching their son open his presents that they missed the most. So, they agreed to meet on Christmas Eve to open presents together. The contact schedule remained in place, and the child had both his parents with him as he opened presents.
The greatest gift you can give your child in 2016 and beyond is to love your children more than you hate your ex-spouse, and work cooperatively with the other parent to co-parent your children.