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Child Abduction Solicitors

If your child has been taken abroad by their other parent without your consent or you believe there is a risk this may happen, you should seek advice from specialist child abduction solicitors immediately. You will also need legal support if you have been accused of child abduction.

At Sharp Family Law, we have the experience to support parents dealing with a wide range of child abduction scenarios. Whether you need to take preventative action, are seeking the return of your child or need to defend a child abduction allegation, we can provide the fast, effective assistance you need.

We know how distressing these situations can be. Combining empathetic support with robust legal action, we can protect your children’s wellbeing and your rights as a parent.

Our child abduction lawyers can help with matters including:

  • Child abduction prevention
  • Returning children to their parents
  • Defending accusations of child abduction
  • Changing child arrangements after an abduction

Speak to our child abduction solicitors in Bath, Bristol and Bradford on Avon

For expert legal advice on parental abduction of children and related matters, please get in touch with our experts today.

To arrange an initial meeting, whether that is in person or remotely, please contact our local offices in Bristol, Bath and Bradford on Avon or use our simple online enquiry form to request a call back.

Our child abduction law services

Child abduction prevention

If you are concerned that your child’s other parent may be planning to take them from your care without your permission, you can apply to a court for a Prohibited Steps Order to prevent this.

Our team can explain this process and make the application for you so you can quickly get protection in place for your children. We can also support you with asking police to issue a ‘Port Alert’ which can prevent your child passing through any point of departure from the UK, such as an airport, ferry port or the Channel Tunnel.

Returning children to their parents

The courts can order that a child taken abroad without a parent’s permission be returned to the UK. Our child abduction solicitors can assist with making an application, helping to ensure the process is completed as quickly and effectively as possible.

Defending accusations of child abduction

Being accused of child abduction is very serious, so it is important to get legal advice straightaway. If you are concerned that your children’s other parent might make such an accusation, we can also advise on the steps you can take, including making sure any agreements over child arrangements and trips with your children are in writing.

Changing child arrangements after an abduction

It is likely to be necessary to modify your existing child arrangements after an abduction. Our child abduction lawyers can support you in applying to a court to limit the access your children’s other parent has to them, protecting your family against further risk.

Frequently asked questions about child abduction in the UK

What is child abduction?

Child abduction in the UK is where a child has been removed from the UK or not returned to the UK without the agreement of someone with legal parental responsibility for the child. This will normally either happen where one parent has taken the children abroad without the other’s agreements or there was an agreement but the children have not been returned to the UK at the agreed time.

It is not classed as child abduction if a parent fails to return a child to their other parent if the child is still in the UK. In these situations, you can seek a court order for the return of your child but it is a different process on which we will be happy to advise.

Can a parent abduct their child?

Yes, a parent can abduct their child if the other parent (or anyone else with legal parental responsibility) has not agreed to the child being taken or kept abroad.

What is international child abduction?

International child abduction is another term that people sometimes use to differentiate between someone taking a child without proper permission while staying within the UK and where the child has been taken abroad. However, as covered above, legally it is only classed as child abduction if the child is taken out of the UK, so the term ‘international child abduction’ is technically redundant.

What can I do if there is a risk of child abduction?

If you are worried that your child is at risk of abduction, then you can apply for a Prohibited Steps Order to prevent your child from being taken out of the country.

You can also ask the police to issue a ‘Port Alert’ to prevent your child being taken through any point of departure from the UK, including airports, ferry ports and the Channel Tunnel.

When should I contact a child abduction solicitor?

We recommend speaking to a specialist child abduction solicitor as soon as you have reason to suspect someone may be planning to take your child abroad without your permission. If this has already happened, then the sooner you seek help, the better your chances of quickly securing your child’s return may be.

Can I prevent child abduction before it happens?

As covered above, you can act to prevent child abduction by securing a Prohibited Steps Order to stop your child being taken abroad and asking police to issue a Port Alert. You can also apply to a court for a Child Arrangements Order to clarify each parent’s rights.

Can I modify custody arrangements after an abduction?

Yes, after an abduction you may be able to modify child arrangements (sometimes informally referred to as ‘custody arrangements’). You will need to apply to a court to do so, so it is important to have expert legal support. Any evidence you have to document the abduction can be very helpful, especially if you are seeking sole care of your children.

Why choose Sharp Family Law for help with child abduction law?

As one of the largest dedicated family law firms in the Bath and Bristol area, Sharp Family Law offers a breadth and depth of expertise that few other firms can match.

Our child abduction solicitors in Bath, Bristol and Bradford on Avon have the skills and knowledge needed to resolve even the most complex disputes over children in the best way for their interests and yours.

Independent recognition for our family law expertise includes:

  • We are ranked by leading client guides the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners
  • Several of our team are members of Resolution– the professional network for family lawyers committed to taking a non-confrontational approach to family law
  • Richard Sharp is a trained collaborative lawyer and family mediator in both the UK and the USA

To find out more about our expertise, please take a look at our family law team.

Speak to our child abduction solicitors in Bath, Bristol and Bradford on Avon

For expert legal advice on parental abduction of children and related matters, please get in touch with our experts today.

To arrange an initial meeting, whether that is in person or remotely, please contact our local offices in Bristol, Bath and Bradford on Avon or use our simple online enquiry form to request a call back.